Saturday, 25 June 2011

~ Hurrrrrmmmmmm... ~

Suddenly tonite i feel so wistful (sayu)...
sad + alone + empty...
my rumate baru je balik rumah sewa baru die...
so tinggal lah aku keseorangan di bilik nie...
i feel like wanna to call someone....
but who...??
tomorrow i will leave this place...
gudbye KBH....
gudbye UKM....
see u again for the next semester....

ble time sunyi mcm ni lah aku mle dok berangan2...
agaknye ble lh ae i will meet my soulmate...??
atleast my boyfriend lahh....
sronok tgk kawan2 happy dgn pasangan masing2....
ade org take care besides their family....
a little bit jealous gak larr...
tp bkn aku nk merampas ke hape ke...
plizz ok... 
i'm not this kind of type....
cme terfikir je....
when it will be my time to feel like them....??
study pon tak lame lagi nk habis....
ntah laa....

mungkin lom msenye lagi kot utk aku bermain cinta nih...
ble dengar love story from my friends....
ade yg nmpk seronok.....
tp tak kurang jugak ade yg menyakitkan....
tambah2 lagi ble bercinta bagai nk rak....
at last... ended up with nothing...
mintak dijauhkanlah dapat relation yg macam tuh...
aku pon kalau boleh tak nak lah habiskan masa dgn hubungan yang mcm tuh...
kalau boleh biarlah hbgn aku dgn someone tuh kekal smpi akhir hayat....
n hve future... not being love just for fun...
i don't hve time to relation like that...
tp kuasa Tuhan...
sape yg taw kan...
kdg2 bercinta bertahun tp klu tkde jodoh tk kemana jugak....

Tomorrow i will back home...
dekat jerr... Melaka...
almost 3 months i'm not going home...
so.. dis time i will spend 2 months there...
hopefully i will find a job during my holiday....
cannot wait to see my beloved family... frensss....
rse mcm banyak plak date cuti nih....
tp yg special date tu tkde lagi lahh....

Friday, 24 June 2011

~ NgantOOoookklahh ~

Ngantuk la pulak petang2 macam ni kan....
nak tido tp tengah asar ni....
ade yang ting tong pulak kang sebab tido time asar....
so.... utk hilangkan rasa mengantuk ni....
jom lah kite mencantekkan lagi blog yg sememangnyerr cantekk ni.... haha
nampak tak love blingbling kt sebelah kanan tu...
yg tu bru je buat td....
comey kan....??
and.... scroll ke bawah plak....
nmpk tak my snowballs n family cartoons tu....
yg tu pulak buat semalam mse tengah blur sgt nk study....
cantek + comel kan...?? kan..??

Hurm... pagi td aku ade exam....
satu paper je sbb subjek lg satu tu no need exam....
so.... td g exam jalan kaki je konon nk exercise lah pagi2 ni kan....
bru je setapak dua melangkah....
selamberrr je bas ukm tu lalu....
then jalan lagi smpi tang bukit tu....
pastu dtg lagi bas ukm nihh....
haishhhh..... sabar2....
tu r... nk sgt exercise pagi2 exam nih....
klu naek bas td.... dh boleh wt a little bit revision dh b4 go to exam hall...
serve me right.... haha
then mse tgk soalan exam tu....
erm... not bad larr....
 i think i can score Bahagian A but i'm not sure with Bahagian B...
maen jawab je tp jawapan tu still ade lg kne mgena dgn soalan yg ditanya....
tkdelah lari tersasar jauh sgt smpi Kuching Sarawak tuu....
hope PM DR MAWAR SHAFEI tk kedekut markah lh ae....

After done with my exam....
 me n my buddies go to minum2 + borak2...
then lepaking at KKM.... 
tgk dorg semangat gler packing bag...
Arin pack sekejap pastu tros balik umah die....
umah dekat....
Azie n Zila pulak balik malam kang naik bas....
hope u guys will tke good care ya...
Nisa plak lepas lepak2 kejap... tros balik Kelana Jaya...
tinggal lh ak sorg2 kt KBH nihh....
sedih la pulak...
smbil pack baju tu smbil teringat plak memory time shortsem nihh....
actually tkde lah boring sgt buat shortsem...
ok jerhhh....
best sgt sbb klas tk pack...
seminggu 2 kali je n hari laen ktorg lepak2 dlm bilik n sumtimes hangout together....
so... tkde lah terasa sgt kebosanan kt cni....

Malam ni plan mcm nk bce novel...
tu pun klu ade mood lahh...
klu tkde.... aku tido je tros...
smlm tdo pukul 3 lebih wokeyh !!...
npe ntah mte ni mengada2 tamo lelap pulak....
tak sabar nk exam agaknye....
ok lah.... tu jelah nk coret....
no idea plak ptg2 ni....

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

~ Exam Mode ~

24 June 2011....
the day i will attend for my exam....
just 1 paper only....
hopefully i will score this paper for upgrade my CGPA....
i have no mood to study yet....
oh GOD....
help me please !!!

~ Let's Sing A Song ~

My Dear Friendss !!
Let's sing together...
The song which introduced by my pretty lecturer...
Enjoy !!

Friday, 17 June 2011

~ Enjoyable Time ~

waaahhhh !!! seronoknye dpt jalan2....
it's a fun time you know....
after finished doing assignments + presentation + quiz n lectures.... 
(but i still hve 1 assignment that is not start yet... haha)
we went to KLCC n MASJID INDIA....
who is WE ???? 
there is ME, NISA, AZIE and ZILA...

first, we went to KLCC n search for KINOKUNIYA.....
for what ??
ofcoz to find a book... 
to be honest...
to find a novel...
and i really2 excited to find KASIH YANG SUCI novel...
at first.... i assumed that the novel is finished....
bcoz the tsunami of NORA ELENA drama tv...
but suddenly there is 2 girl around us coming and said....

Are u looking for this novel ???
 (smbil tunjukkan novel NORA ELENA kt tgn die)
we just nodded and they show us the place of the novel....
and luckily there still hve two novel left...
i picked one and my fren also do the same....

after that we watched movie...
so nice ok !!....
i really like their action...
and i really admirer AARON AZIZ !!!....
i like his body....
so tough....
his shoulder.... oh God...
wahhh... really2 like it...

then.... we went for food...
after that we went to MASJID INDIA....
buy for shawl.... n my fren looking for kain to make a BAJU KURUNG...
lastly we went back with the big of smile... haha

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

~ Blog Updated ~

today is my group presentation for KRITIKAN SENI TAMPAK subject...
at first... many feel that i feeled before the presentation...
excited... nervous... fun n many more...
i became a MC with my partner Arin...
and the rest became a PAINTER n CALLER...
our presentation is like WANITA HARI INI which is hve a special segment about painting...
so far i think...
our group do the best eventhough the audience not so many...
i'm very2 satisfied for what my group hve done...
thankz n weldone to my group members...

And today also is my last class for KRITIKAN SENI TAMPAK and PENULISAN KREATIF....
dis two subject is really2 interesting but i like PENULISAN KREATIF subject more....
it's bcoz how the way lectures gve their lectures especially PM DR MAWAR SHAFEI...
she is very2 sporting... 
know how to communicate with us n she use two way communication....
mke us feel very comfortable to gve our own opinion....
she also like to bring anything interesting in her teaching session...
like songs... video... her own story... her own experience and so on...
n today...
she bring CHOCOLATE CAKE from secret recipe just for us....
her students....
but actually in a sudden...
she also want to celebrate one of her student birthday...
but nevermind...
she is very2 kind person...
and I really admirer her...

mcm ni lah lebih kurang kek die....
hahaha... tipu jerr ~

Saturday, 11 June 2011

~ Sedih Pulaakkk ~

actually tbe2 mlm ni rse mcm sedih sket...
sbb die dh officially bergelar kekasih org...
aku taw... sebagai kawan baik die...
aku sepatutnye tumpang gembira sekali...
bcoz akhirnye die dh jmpe kegembiraan die...
dah tak sedih2 n sentiasa mengharap mcm dulu...
bkn ke tu yg sll aku nasihat kat die...
aku doakn die spy terbuka hati untuk terima org lain...
n now... doa tu dh pon makbul...
tp knp aku rse sedih...??

mungkin sebab aku taw lepas ni tumpuan die more to his girlfren...
bkn lagi pada kawan baik die...
lepas ni maybe die akan share all story to his gf...
bukan lagi pada aku... kwn baik die...
bkn aku cemburu...
malah ALHAMDULILLAH... aku tak rse pape pon ble aku tgk status die...

aku cme takut kehilangan die...
die satu2 nye kawan lelaki yang paling baik + rapat dengan aku...
tapi aku rse aku dah bersedia kalau kami dh tk rapat lagi...
bkn aku tak pernah alami bnd ni dulu...
mcm dh jd kebiasaan dh ble org yg rapat dgn aku...
tinggalkn aku ble dah dapat ape yg dorg nak...
takpe lah... 
walau mcm mne pon...
aku kene sentiasa happy...
tak nak sedih2...
doakan jelah kawan2 aku sentiasa bahagia...
dan semoga suatu hari nnt...
aku pun akan jmpe kebahagiaan yang aku cari...

Thursday, 9 June 2011

~ Dean List ~

Fuhh  !!! 
penat !!
 actually baru pas maen badminton nihh... 
dh 2 minggu lebih dh tk pegang reket... 
td lepas lah gian sekejap maen dgn member...
 tk lme pon... dlm 45 minit jerr... tu pon dh semput2 dh... haha... 
puas rse nye dapat maen badminton... 
esok klu rajin nk jog plak... 
actually dr sem 1 plan nk jog around UKM... 
tp tk pernah tercapai... 
hope esok tercapai lah ye...
 insyaAllah... ^_^

07062011... birthday one of my besties !!...
yg teman maen badminton td tu lahh.....
ktorg ramai2 celebrate bday die...
ade lh dlm 5 org...
at first... celebrate kt KKM jerr...
maen baling2 tepung....
*part ni yg aku tk brp ske nehh....
klu 10 org bday....
10 kali lh nmpknye aku kene mandi dgn tepung....
pas dh puas lumurkan sorang2 dgn tepung tuu...
ktorg snap2 gambar.... makan kek...
then... go to PIZZA HUT plak....
pas makan2... borak2...
then masing2 pulang ke tempat asal....

Tengah malam tu plak... adalah waktu yg ditunggu2...
keputusan PEPERIKSAAN semester 2 kua...
rileks jerr aku tgk sbb aku tak score sgt kali nii....
byk sbjek yg aku rse tkleh buat...
lagi2 subjek FTSM...
then aku tak study hard sgt...
main2 je banyak.... 
first 2 paper je ak study btol2...
bersyukur sangat2....
result aku meningkat dgn jayanya....
Tuhan masih sayang aku lagi....
walaupun usaha aku tak seberapa...
tapi DIA tak pernah mengecewakan aku....
aku akan tambah lagi usaha aku untuk exam akan dtg...
sbb... aku berhajat untuk dapatkan balik title DEAN LIST tu...

Sunday, 5 June 2011

~ Kisah Hati ~

Hyee kawan2.... ade kwn ke....?? ade ke yg sudi menjengah blog yg tk seberapa ni...?? hahaha... klu tkde pon tkpe sbb aku taw blog ni tkde anything special pon... it's all about me n i know that nothing special about me... so i don't expect others to following me... but if others want to do it... i'm really aprecciate it... thankz~

Actually i'm having fever today... 
panas... sejuk... flu... cough... completely package !!
haha... but i still can smile...
bcoz smile make me happy... 
so... let's SMILE togethers... =)

emm... my story today's is about LOVE.... yeah !!
Actually, lately i owez watched NORA ELENA on tv3...
but, i watch it on YOU TUBE bcoz in my hostel doesn't have TV... 
so sad... haha...
so, terpaksa lh i bkk my lappy ni pagi2 sbb pagi2 lh YOU TUBE agak laju... 
compare tu mlm bcoz i think many users use internet on nite...
pagi kn busy dgn kuliah... hang out n so on... 

Nora Elena <3 Seth Tan...
what a unique story adaptasi from novel which the title is KASIH YANG SUCI...
yes !! i am really want to read this wonderful novel...
bcoz many people said that this novel is the best compare to tv drama...
but i can't find this novel now...
yelah... novel ni keluar since 2008 and maybe there is no stock anymore...
nk cari OMBAK RINDU pon dh tk jmpe...
mmg btol lh my pretty lecturer said that NOVEL POPULAR lebih laku compare to novel lain...

so, what i want to tell is... NORA ELENA which is HATI BATU + KERAS HATI n so on to accept her kindly husband SETH TAN... finally, can accept him wholeheartedly...
so sweet ok !!
boleh tgk sendiri cerita tu...

Kesimpulannya... walau mcm mne KERAS pon... hati seseorang wanita tu...
pasti akan CAIR dgn layanan lelaki...
especially that guy named SETH TAN which is...
so CARING...
so LOVELY...
so COOL...
n mostly know HOW TO TREAT his wife...

and... i don't know whether there's still have a person like SETH TAN in this world...

and u know what...?? 
I'm really like the guy that same like SETH TAN...
I like the person who fulled with suprise coz i like suprise !!!
I like the person who LOVE me wholeheartedly...
Always being with me whenever i need...
Can do anything just for me...
Always make me happy...
Can accept me the way i am...
Can accept my family the way there are...

and until now... i'm still waiting / searching for that person... 
the person who hold THE KEY OF MY HEART...

Thursday, 2 June 2011

~ TakOoOoOoOooooT !!! ~

lme dh tk update blog kan...?? mle2 je rse excited... dh lme2 tu rse malas plak nk update... huhu... hari nie nk story pasal ape ae...?? emmm... ha !!!... last monday after class session.... i and my frens go to ALAMANDA... for wat....?? haha... mstilah sbb nk tgk movie... last aku g ALAMANDA ni mse Tahun 2 Sem 2... tgk movie gak... mse tu tgk movie HANTU KAK LIMAH BALIK RUMAH... n dis time... we decided to watch KARAK movie... KARAK ???? bkn ke tu cerita seram.... woahhhh... aku nk g tgk cter seram beb !!! pehh.... mmg pelik lh kn sbb aku bkn peminat cerita seram... sbb... aku... emm... TAKOTTTTTTT... ye !! aku mmg seorang yg penakot ! sekian... haha... ktorg smpi ALAMANDA around 5 o'clock n amek tiket movie pukul 5.30 ptg... so, after sesi membeli-belah tiket... i n my frens pon berlari2 cari surau utk solat asar... then round2 kejap n lastly mestilah wajib buy sumthing to eat while watch dis SERAM movie kn... woahhh !!! mle2 start je aku dh pejam celik pejam celik dah.... SERIOUS !! penat kot bermain dgn emosi... sesak aku... mte aku bkk separuh je sbb takot nk tgk full screen... dah la ktorg dapat seat agak depan... mmg muncul depan2 lh makhluk tu kan... klaka gak sbb tgk gelagat kwn2 aku... mcm2 gaya yg mereka lakukan.... cehhh... ade yg cantek je menggelongsor dr seat tuu... ade yg mcm nk masuk dlm kotak popcorn... maen kuis2 kaki pon ade... ade yg tgk dr celah2 jari je.... hahahahaa.... lawak... lawak... aku..?? ak jerit jerrrr..... aku kn penakott... tp so far... ok lah jugak KARAK tu... tk mcm cerita seram biasa... sll klu yg biasa tu... cerita bkn maen seram.... tp lastly rpe2nye mimpi.... mmg bengang lh klu tgk cerita mcm tu.... tp KARAK ni actually based on true story... mmg seram lh... klu tk cye.... tgk lh sendiri... daaaaaaaaaaaa ~~